IKE is a 10-year program that addresses highways, bridges, public transit, aviation, short-line rail and bike/pedestrian needs across Kansas. The program and associated projects are focused on making roads safer, supporting economic growth and creating more options and resources for Kansans and their communities.
This map shows planned and completed projects for state highways, local roads, and other modes and can be filtered by KDOT district and county.
Click on each county to view IKE program investments.
NOTES: Completed Cost reflects the funds spent on IKE Program projects that have been completed and are open for use. Scheduled Cost reflects estimates for identified IKE Program projects that have not been completed yet or fund payments that have not occurred but are estimated to be made in the next year.
In reporting program costs, some projects may only include construction dollars. These numbers will change over the course of the 10-year IKE Program. Dollars shown here reflect federal, state and local funding sources. Please email IKE@ks.gov with questions and for more detail about these tables.
Governor Laura Kelly, the Kansas Legislature and KDOT believe it is important for all Kansans to benefit from the IKE program. Thus, IKE legislation requires at least $8 million to be invested in each county across Kansas. This $8 million Promise to Kansans will be made up of investments in highway preservation, highway expansion and modernization, aviation, transit, rail, bicycle/pedestrian projects and others that address technology and economic development.
Major highway modernization and expansion projects will be selected every two years rather than once a decade as in previous programs. This enhances the State's ability to address the most pressing needs, adjust to fluctuating revenues and capture emerging opportunities. |
Kansans play a pivotal role in shaping IKE. KDOT meets with Kansans every two years during Local Consult to gather input on local and regional transportation priorities. |
There is an emphasis on right-sized, practical improvements. For example, projects that add passing lanes are a cost-effective safety improvement that can be built sooner than a four-lane expressway. |
We have created new partnership programs (Cost Share, Local Bridge) to improve state and local infrastructure by leveraging state and local funds. |
IKE establishes new infrastructure improvement programs for preservation, short line rail, innovative technology, broadband expansion, and driver’s education. |
This program continues our commitment to multimodal transportation with public transit, aviation, rail and bike/pedestrian programs. |
The program also ensures the delayed projects from our previous 10-year transportation program, T-WORKS, will be constructed. |
Before any IKE modernization or expansion projects are built, at least one phase of all delayed T-WORKS projects must be let to construction. Being let to construction means KDOT has put a project out for bid and it has been awarded to a contractor. T-WORKS funds will not count toward the $8 Million Promise to Kansans for minimum transportation investments in every county.
Do you have a question, comment, suggestion or concern? Contact us by emailing IKE@KS.gov or by using the message fields located at the bottom of every page. You can also find out more about how we put your ideas to good work with our local consult process here.