Community Resources

Partnering with Communities

KDOT is committed to being a strong partner with communities to solve transportation challenges. The IKE program provides more flexibility to us to address local needs – and give Kansans more transportation choices.

Have a challenge but aren’t sure where to start? The Bureau of Local Projects page has information about a number of programs open to communities. Their Local Program Opportunities Field Guide has background information about many KDOT programs open to communities and information about how to apply.

The list of programs below contains brief descriptions of some of our programs that communities, non-profit organizations, railroads and others may find useful when partnering with KDOT.

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What it does: This program promotes safe, efficient traffic flow on the State Highway System while allowing for reasonable access to adjacent properties. This program includes access planning and construction components. The Access Planning Program designates future access points to the state highway, retrofits for existing connections and promotes a complementary local road network. The Construction Program is a reimbursement program (not a grant program) that helps finance improvements identified in approved KDOT access plans. Both promote safety, efficiency and economic activity.

How to apply: For the Access Planning Program – contact the Highway Access Manager. For the Construction Program – applications accepted year round. Local match may depend on which program utilized; some associated costs for construction may not be eligible.

Who to contact: David Seitz, P.E. Bureau of Transportation Planning, 785-296-1140

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What it is: KDOT has several bridge programs, including the Off-System Bridge Program, a federal program to repair or replace bridges that are not on the federal-aid system, and the Kansas Local Bridge Improvement Program, which provides funds to Local Public Agencies to replace or rehabilitate locally-owned, deficient bridges in order to improve overall system throughout the State of Kansas.

How to apply: Bureau of Local Projects sends out a memo with application when soliciting projects. A local match may be required.

Who to contact: Donna Schmit, Bridge Team Leader Bureau of Local Projects, 785-213-7034

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What it is: The program addresses the risk of collision with concrete railings at bridge and culvert locations on the state highway system. With this program, outdated railing types have been identified and prioritized for replacement or repair based on treatment needs. Construction progress can be followed via the program dashboard at the link provided below.

Who to contact: Haley Dougherty, Bureau of Transportation Safety, 785-409-9182

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What is does: The Kansas Department of Commerce administers IKE program funding for broadband projects through its Broadband Acceleration Grant Program. The program can pay up to 50% of the eligible costs for a qualifying project, up to $1 million, to fund projects that provide access to high-quality, reliable broadband throughout Kansas with priority given to applications that address unserved areas, economically distressed communities and areas of compelling need.

How to apply: For information about eligibility, guidelines, applications and additional program resources, please visit the Kansas Department of Commerce Broadband Acceleration Grant Program page

Who to contact: Brandon Hutton, Broadband Program Manager, 785.480.8554

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What it does: This program plans for the future of Electric Vehicle (EV) charging in Kansas, focusing on planning for and deploying EV charging station infrastructure. EV infrastructure includes all the equipment, utilities, connections, and supportive power network to allow people driving EVs to charge up their vehicle’s battery. The National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program requires all states to develop EV infrastructure deployment plans in order to access NEVI Formula Funds to support the deployment of charging infrastructure.

How to apply: The application process follows the EV infrastructure deployment plan as detailed in the Kansas NEVI Plan. Details for each application round will be announced. A local match will be required.

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What it does: This program assists cities to fund improvements to City Connecting Links (city streets that carry a state highway designation). This is in addition to payments made directly to municipalities for general maintenance of the City Connecting Links. Includes Surface Preservation (SP); Pavement Restoration (PR); Geometric Improvement (GI).

How to apply: The Bureau of Local Projects sends out a memo with the application soliciting projects that describes the minimum local match (0-25%) depending on the size of the city.

Who to contact: Tod Salfrank, Assistant Chief Bureau of Local Projects, 785-368-7396

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What it does: This program provides financial assistance to local entities for construction projects that improve safety, leverage state funds to increase total transportation investment, and help both rural and urban areas of the state improve the transportation system. Projects must address an important transportation need such as: promoting safety; improving access or mobility; improving condition or relieving congestion. All transportation projects are eligible including: roadway (one and off the state system); rail; airport; bike & pedestrian and public transit. Projects must have the support of local leaders and must be “let” by a local government.

How to apply: Applications are considered two times a year. Local governments, often in partnership with a private business, may apply. 15% minimum local match required.

Who to contact: Michelle Needham Economic Development Programs Manager, 785-296-1936

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What it does: The Drive To Zero is a statewide multi-organization initiative that aims to eliminate fatal and serious injury crashes involving all road users, on all public roads in Kansas. The initiative leverages resources across hundreds of organizations to positively influence the traffic culture through education, enforcement, engineering, and emergency response strategic initiatives. The Drive To Zero uses a data-driven and collaborative approach involving local, regional, state, and federal agencies, transportation professionals, public health officials, law enforcement, elected officials, advocacy organizations, the private sector, emergency responders, community members, and many more.

Get involved: The Drive To Zero initiative is led by the Drive To Zero Coalition, five Strategy Teams, and three Support Teams, who together work on the development and implementation of the Drive To Zero Plan. Strategy Teams are open to volunteer members. Get involved! If you would like to take part in a Strategy Team, please email us at

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What it does: This program is intended for rural roads with history of crashes. A road’s crash rate needs to be higher than the statewide average or the potential for the crash rate to increase to higher than the statewide average. Counties may also apply for a systemic approach to a corridor or creation of a County Highway Safety Plan. This program addresses signing, pavement marking, and rumble strips.

How to apply: Bureau of Local Projects sends out a memo with application when soliciting projects. Match 90% Fed (maximum) / 10% (minimum) Local (Typical)

Who to contact: Bill Legge, Local Road Engineer Bureau of Local Projects, 785-296-3861

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What it does: This program provides financial assistance to partners for innovative technology projects that improve safety, increase total technology investment and help both rural and urban areas of the state improve the transportation system. Projects that meet an important transportation need such as promoting safety, improving access or mobility, and advancing transportation technology. All transportation system projects are eligible, including roadway (on and off the state system), rail, aviation, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), alternative fuels, public safety data, bicycle/pedestrian and public transit. Candidate projects should provide transportation benefits that typically are not eligible for other KDOT programs. Candidate projects may receive additional consideration if they support economic growth, aid in the retention or recruitment of business or add value to a KDOT project.

How to apply: The Division of Innovative Technologies will issue an RFP at least once per state fiscal year. Projects will typically be administered by a local unit of government. Non-governmental applications also will be considered. A minimum of 25% non-state cash match is required. Additional consideration will be given to project applications that contribute more than the minimum required match.

Who to contact: Matt Stormer, Assistant to the Director, Division of Innovative Technologies 785-296-0937

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What it does: This program assists with improvements to all public-use airports except those classified as Primary airports. The program focuses on preservation and enhancement of the Kansas airport system through airfield pavements, lighting, weather systems, navigational aids, planning grants and aeronautical surveys for instrument approaches, to name a few. Maximum state participation on a new primary runway project is $1.6 million; $1.2 million for full depth runway renovation; and $800,000 for other projects. Funds are not intended to be used as sponsor’s match for a federal project. Planning projects may qualify.

How to apply: Applications are solicited annually and are due by Sept. 30 but are accepted any time during the year prior to that date. A simple one-page application form is used (available on the program’s website.) A local match will depend on the type of project.

Who to contact: Bob Brock, Director Division of Aviation, 785-296-2553

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What it does: This program’s funds are used for improving rail access for business and to preserve the condition of the railroad network in the state of Kansas. This program consists of both loans and reimbursable grants for projects that improve the condition or expand the capacity of the state’s railroads and projects that can be used to recruit or expand business in the state by providing better access to the state’s rail network. Typical projects include major rail rehabilitation and construction/expansion projects, such as rail spurs, sidings and extensions. Local Governments, railroads, port authorities, and shippers are eligible applicants. Projects must demonstrate a cost-benefit ratio of one or more.

How to apply: Applications are considered year round. Match is typically 70% State / 30% Local – Other locally proposed match amounts could be considered depending on project specifics.

Who to contact: John Maddox, Bureau of Transportation Planning, 785-296-3228

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What it does: This program's funds are used for maintenance, rail relay and the rehabilitation of track, bridge, industrial leads and sidings on Class II or III (short line) railroads in Kansas. Qualified entities include any Class II or Class III railroad, as defined in 49 C.F.R., part 1201.1, holding a certificate of public convenience from the Surface Transportation Board or any owner or lessee located on or adjacent to a Class II or Class III (short line) railroad in the state of Kansas.

How to apply: Applications are considered year-round. Qualified entities will submit a Short Line Rail Improvement Fund project application to KDOT’s Freight and Rail Unit. 30% of total project costs is required in the form of matching funds from the qualified entity. A reimbursable grant of 70% of total project costs will be applied to approved projects. Additional terms and requirements must be met.

Who to contact: Who to contact: John Maddox, Bureau of Transportation Planning, 785-296-3228

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What it does: This program provides funding for surface transportation projects and programs such as pedestrian/bicycle/non-motorized transportation facilities; infrastructure-related projects to provide safe routes for non-drivers; conversion of abandoned railway corridors to trails; Safe Routes to School – Construction and Non-Construction; historic reservation & rehabilitation of historic transportation facilities; scenic and environmental improvements.

Projects must relate to surface transportation and fall into one of these four main categories: Pedestrian & Bicycle Facilities; Safe Routes to School (SRTS); Scenic & Environmental; Historic and Archeological Transportation

How to apply: Applications must be sponsored by and submitted through a local unit of government (city/county), however, any public entity, private, nonprofit, or civic organization may promote and assist with the project application and project. Application workshops are held and applications are solicited every other year. Match 80% Federal / 20% Local (20% minimum). A local cash match is required to pay for 20% or more on eligible project costs

Who to contact: Jenny Kramer, Bicycle & Pedestrian Coordinator Bureau of Transportation Planning, (785) 296-5186

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