Local Consult is the public engagement process for the 10-year Eisenhower Legacy Transportation Program (IKE). It takes place every two years to get input from Kansans on a list of potential highway modernization and expansion projects for each region. It’s also an opportunity to strengthen local partnerships, to better understand which KDOT programs matter most to communities and to get feedback on how delivery can be improved.
During the 2021 Local Consult process, KDOT engaged with more than 3,000 Kansans. The community input received helps KDOT determine which projects move forward into the IKE development pipeline for further engineering and analysis. Because regional conditions and priorities change over time, KDOT comes back every two years to make sure projects fit the needs of communities today and into the future. During Local Consult, you speak, KDOT listens and together, we work.
In preparation for the Local Consult meetings, a summer survey was available online in August 2021. The survey was open for two weeks. KDOT received 1,915 total responses from across the state. Highlights are below.
WHAT’S IMPORTANT IN YOUR REGION? (Survey participants ranked their top transportation focus areas.)
2021 Local Consult looked different. Out of an abundance of caution and to comply with current state guidance related to COVID-19, Local Consult meetings were held virtually, with two online options to participate:
The key elements of the Local Consult process remained unchanged. The Local Consult process started with a list of potential projects—some recommended by communities, others by KDOT District staff. Prior to Local Consult meetings, these projects were evaluated based on crash history, current and projected congestion, economic impact and other factors and then scored. For 2021, KDOT staff worked with communities to evaluate 121 projects totaling $6.5 billion.
Local Consult meeting summaries:
KDOT made available general meeting materials for reference.
The following meeting materials were provided for reference.
Twenty-six modernization and expansion highway projects in Kansas were added to the Eisenhower Legacy Transportation Program (IKE) development pipeline in December 2021. Information about these projects can be found on the announcement page.
Eleven modernization and expansion highway projects in Kansas moved into the IKE construction pipeline in August 2022. Information about these projects can be found on the announcement page.
Do you have a question, comment, suggestion or concern? Contact us by emailing IKE@KS.gov or by using the message fields located at the bottom of every page. You can also find out more about how we put your ideas to good work with our local consult process here.