Page last updated: November 29, 2024
This priority bridge replacement project is in the early design phase and includes replacement of the U.S. 24 Bridges over Goodyear Road in north Topeka in Shawnee County. Specifically, this project is the replacement of bridge #076 (westbound) and bridge #077 (eastbound), which are located 1.67 miles east of the U.S. 24 / U.S. 75 junction.
Replacement of the existing bridges is necessary, as the structures are at the end of their service life. Additional benefits of the project include reducing future maintenance needs and enhancing safety and connectivity.
This project is part of the KDOT Priority Bridge Replacement Program, and it is anticipated to be under construction in the fall of 2025.
Below are the same materials that were shared during the Nov. 13, 2024 open house.
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Esta información puede estar disponible en formatos alternativos accesibles a pedido. Para obtener información sobre cómo obtener un formato alternativo, comuníquese con la División de Comunicaciones de KDOT, 700 SW Harrison St., 2nd Fl West, Topeka, KS 66603-3745 o llame al 785-296-3585 (Voz)/Discapacidad auditiva: 711.
Project Name | U.S. 24 Bridges over Goodyear Road |
Project Number | KA-6481-01 |
Project Phase | Preliminary Design |
Location | U.S. 24 Bridges over Goodyear Road in north Topeka in Shawnee County, and specifically, bridge #076 (westbound) and bridge #077 (eastbound), which are located 1.67 miles east of the U.S. 24 / U.S. 75 junction. |
Scope | Bridges replacement project to replace two bridges along U.S. 24 over Goodyear Road. Current Preliminary Design Phase involves roadway design, bridge design, traffic analysis, traffic modeling, a Transportation Management Plan, maintenance of traffic staging and phases, and community engagement. Future construction phase will include the removal of the two U.S. 24 Bridges over Goodyear Road and construction of replacement bridges. |
Kate Craft
Public Information Officer
Steve Baalman, P.E.
Topeka Metro Engineer
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