U.S. 400 Bridge Replacements in Kiowa County

Page last updated: August 21, 2024

Project Updates

The project team is moving forward with design, and based on public comments received is making the following updates:

  • Adding a northbound to eastbound right-turn acceleration lane at the U.S. 54 and 10th Avenue intersection
  • Moving the divided section of U.S. 54 further east to allow the U.S. 54 and 11th Avenue intersection to remain open
  • Removing the proposed turn lanes at the U.S. 54 and 15th Avenue intersection

Project Description

KDOT is completing preliminary design on a bridge replacements project along U.S. 400, east of Mullinville. The project will redesign the U.S. 400 and U.S. 54 junction east of Mullinville. The project would replace two bridges on U.S. 400 (over U.S. 54 and the Union Pacific Railroad) with one structure to improve vertical clearance and increase roadway width.

The team is also exploring intersection improvements at U.S. 54 and 10th Avenue as well as U.S. 400 / U.S. 54 and 15th Avenue.

Project Map

KA 6511 01 Kiowa County Strip Map

Project Materials

Materials below were shared during an open house-style public meeting on Sept. 21, 2023.

Meeting information can be made available in alternative accessible formats upon request. For information about obtaining an alternative format, contact the KDOT Division of Communications, 700 SW Harrison St., 2nd Fl West, Topeka, KS 66603-3745 or phone 785-296-3585 (Voice)/Hearing Impaired – 711.

Project Details

Project Name

U.S. 400 Bridge Replacements in Kiowa County

Project Number



U.S. 400 over U.S. 54 and Union Pacific Railroad, KDOT Bridge Numbers 400-49-156.97 (009) and 400-49-157.23 (010) along U.S. 400 east of Mullinville.


Redesign the U.S. 54 and U.S. 400 junction, replace two bridges with one structure to improve vertical clearance and increase roadway width.
Explore intersection improvements at U.S. 54 and 10th Avenue as well as U.S. 54 / U.S. 400 and 15th Avenue.


3.4 miles

Cost Estimate

Approximately $42.5 million

Public Meetings

  • Time - 5:30pm to 7:00pm
  • Location - Mullinville Rec Gym (200 S. Main Street, Mullinville, KS 67109)
  • Public Comment Period - September 21, 2023 to October 11, 2023

  • Agenda - KDOT hosted an open house-style public meeting to share information about the U.S. 400 Bridge Replacements project east of Mullinville. The meeting was held Thursday, Sept. 21, at the Mullinville Rec Gym (200 S. Main Street). The public could stop by any time between 5:30 and 7 p.m. to view preliminary plans and speak with project staff. This project is currently in the preliminary design phase. There was no formal presentation.

View Details »

Who to Contact

Tim Potter
Public Information Officer


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